Edgeley Pond & Park
Signature amenity space for a new downtown
Edgeley Pond and Park is the largest open space and City-owned piece of land in the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC). Located at the intersection of Jane Street and Highway 7, DTAH was engaged by the City of Vaughan for the first phase of a dynamic and iconic signature public space in the heart of the new VMC. In its current condition, Edgeley Pond was intended to function as an online storm water management facility. With the upcoming development surrounding the immediate site, there is an acute need to improve the overall storm water function, retention and water quality. The focus of the design is to also celebrate the narrative of Black Creek’s natural and cultural heritage, the important role that the pond and creek will play in the larger watershed, while also showcasing sustainable and innovative storm water management initiatives.
Vaughan, Ontario
City of Vaughan

The ecologically-minded design solution creates an innovative landscape that will also support the region’s fast-paced transformation. Through the strategic use of landform and topography, new habitat and social spaces are created, with a hierarchy of pathways and trails, bridges, and passive and active park amenities. Edgeley Pond and Park will act as a catalyst for economic and cultural growth within the VMC, where residents and park visitors can interact, learn, play, and grow.

The integration of innovative landscape solutions, while addressing flooding and draining challenges, has been an integral part of DTAH’s work for decades. Similar conditions and design response can be seen at Riverdale Park East, Evergreen Brick Works, and the Lower Don Trails – where unique parklands and public amenities are woven together, creating dynamic systems that addresses public safety, while accommodating fluctuating seasonal water levels.

DTAH has designed a number of landscape projects that seamlessly integrate public realm into the existing urban fabric while offering much needed active and passive amenity spaces to the community. Our experience establishing landscape designs for mixed-use developments and neighbourhoods, where we consider not only the scale and distribution of component buildings, but also the design of streets, parks, and open spaces that contribute to the community at large, can be seen in our work at Ethennonnhawahstihnen' Park at Concord Park Place, Dr. Lillian McGregor Park in Toronto, Green Line, and Humber Bay Park.

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