First public meeting for Dufferin Grove Park
Image: Dufferin Grove Park Farmers' MarketDTAH has been selected by the City of Toronto to lead a diverse design team in the investigation and implementation of improvements to the northwest corner of Dufferin Grove Park, including architectural and landscape improvements aimed at increasing the accessibility, functionality and capacity of the park’s clubhouse and surrounding landscape to support existing and future community programming.
Please join us for the first Dufferin Grove Park Improvements public meeting on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at St. Wenceslaus Church. The meeting will begin at 5:30 pm with an open house. During the open house, participants will be able to browse through project information boards, speak with members of the project team, and leave written comments. At 6:30 pm, following the open house, there will be a 45 minute presentation from the project team, explaining the purpose and background of the project, as well as initial design concepts for improvements to the clubhouse and north-west corner. The presentation will cover everything shared on the project information boards. At 7:15 pm, the community can participate in small group discussions to share their feedback on the various design concepts. These conversations will be facilitated and recorded by members of the project team. Learn more here