Milton Mobility Hub Study: A Hub of Possibility
Image: Artistic Rendering of Milton Main Street (DTAH)The Town of Milton has published the final Milton Mobility Hub Study report, which is now available online here.
The Milton Mobility Hub will be an innovative, transit-oriented, and pedestrian-friendly vibrant destination where people can live, work, and play. The Study focuses on the area within a 10-minute walk from the Milton GO Station and includes a Demonstration Plan to show one way that the area may look like at full build-out, in about 30 years. Among other features, the Mobility Hub will include active street frontages, comfortable spaces for people to sit and socialize, and mid-block connections.
As key members of the multi-disciplinary consultant team, DTAH developed Urban Design Guidelines for The Study which provide an overarching vision and design framework to guide and direct development. The Guidelines highlight the importance of creating a green, safe and attractive place with high-quality public parks, boulevards, streets and privately owned publicly accessible open spaces that are designed to promote walking and support a range of local, social and recreational activities. The built form strategy includes a mix of building types and promotes a shift from surface parking to underground parking and structured parking. These buildings frame, define and animate public spaces and create a consistent street edge and give shape and sense of enclosure, which reinforces the public realm.