Yonge North York BIA Public Realm Master Plan almost complete
Image: Yonge North York BIAWe’re in the last stages of developing the Yonge North York BIA Public Realm Plan!
The BIA aspires to become the preferred destination in North Toronto for businesses, residents, and visitors to live, work, and play.
The purpose of the BIA’s plan is to improve the public realm, promote the neighbourhood, and support the local business community. It is closely coordinating with other major efforts being led by the City of Toronto, such as the North York Centre Secondary Plan update and the Transform Yonge street design.
The plan will define the BIA’s position on the future of the public realm within their boundaries, conceptually illustrate projects that the BIA could lead or support, and identify potential project scheduling and partners.
Fill out the online survey before it closes on November 26 to help us further develop the document, which will be finalized by early next year.