Downtown Brampton Public Realm Plan + Streetscape Manual
Fostering public life in support of a contemporary downtown
Brampton’s downtown is the city’s most important destination for public life. Situated between Etobicoke and Fletchers Creeks, it has a comfortable and walkable pattern of streets, numerous historic buildings, and well-loved parks that all help to shape and define its identity.
Downtown Brampton is in a period of growth and change, with major infrastructure projects related to higher-order transit and flood risk mitigation. These projects are expected to generate significant redevelopment interest, particularly within the historic core.
City council has prioritized unlocking Downtown Brampton’s potential to position Brampton as a pivotal economic driver, regional cultural hub, and innovation district. The Public Realm Plan and Streetscape Manual is a component of the City of Brampton Integrated Downtown Plan, which will guide future growth and strategic investment until 2051.
Brampton, Ontario
City of Brampton

The Public Realm Plan and Streetscape Manual’s main purpose is to elevate the quality of spaces between buildings – the streets, lanes, squares, plazas and parks – to advance and support the social life of the city as the downtown population grows.
The plan promotes a “people first” design approach. It maximizes opportunities for people to enjoy life comfortably and safely in the public realm by balancing collective and individual needs.
The public realm framework offers a complementary and coherent vision for all aspects of the downtown public realm. The proposed framework is presented in two parts: networks and strategies, with supporting guidance for each.

Networks present a Complete Streets approach to define the functional role and place status of Downtown streets, with guidelines and standards for main streets, character streets, and pedestrian, cycling and transit networks.
Strategies speak to the importance of spaces, places, and what public realm design needs to consider. The strategies are intentionally broad and open to interpretation in their detailed outcomes.
Aligned with the Brampton 2040 Vision and Term of Council Priorities, the Downtown Brampton Public Realm Plan + Streetscape Manual is a key document outlining how the public realm and streetscape could evolve to support the vibrant, growing city of Brampton.

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